The Vereda da Ponta de São Lourenço hike is one of the most popular hikes on Madeira Island and one I like to call ‘The Dragon’s Tail’. This coastal track takes you along a narrow stretch of rugged coastline to the most eastern point of Madeira Island, well at the least the furthest point you can hike to. The hike is a seven-kilometer route with a number of stunning viewpoints, which highlight the volcanic erosion over millions of years throughout the coastline. It’s a great sunrise hike but is also an underrated sunset spot on Madeira.

Hike Distance: The total distance of the hike is 7 kilometers.
Hike Duration: The hike will take you about 2-3 hours, especially if you have a break at a few of the many scenic spots along the way.
Hike Difficulty: This is one of the most popular trails on Madeira Island as it is close(ish) to Funchal and not incredibly steep. You still have a few hundred meters of incline but it is spread out and not all in one section.
30 mins from Santana CoLiving:
Drive straight to Machico and then use the highway.
Maps: Ponta de Sao Lourenco